I think an animal that interests me is the gray wolf. One huge reason it interests me is becaue it was around a lot longer than dogs were domesticated. One adaption wolfs have is their bodies adapting to the cold. Over long periods of time the gray wolf has gained a few adaptions. One adaption is that their skin cannot get wet which keeps them dry from the freezing cold weather. Another adaption the ray wolf has is their sensory organs. They gained the ability to see 100 times better than humans and smell 20 times better than human. This gives them the edge when hunting, especially with a jaw pressure of 500lbs this makes the gray wolf an animal not to mess with. Lastly, and probably the most important adaption they have made is food storage. The gray wolf's stomach has adapted to hold 20lbs of food and can take 14 days to digest so they have time to move from one area to another and hunt without dying of starvation.
I think most people these days do not think about their lives and the adaptions we've made because of todays technology. People are just complacent and go along with everything because there is no need to adapt to something anymore. Although if you think about it we still need to adapt at times. I think one huge example that is almost impossible to miss is the transition from grammar school to high school. Most people do not think about it but you do have to adapt to the situations. For example, with me high school was a lot more different than grammar school. Although high school is not the only thing people have to adapt to. People have to adapt to a lot more situations like jobs, relationships, and even conversations. In a way we adapt in different ways just not physically anymore.